
241 Movie Reviews

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even though this was very short! i absolutely loved the cute art direction and warm colors! i grew attached to theses little doggies for the short time I saw them! the pacing was nice and slow for me to understand! whoever did the writing did an excellent job doing so in an isolated setting and i highly commend that!

it's strange. but this video has a lot of artistic direction!

this was both hillarious and a little messed up! but i loved the funny musical score!

ooh gah booga! merry christmas!

this was a very well done animation looking like the og puppets from rankin bass production puppets. especially santa and the lion! but givin this is flash gitz. this was also hillariously messed up to! merry christmas! i guess i'll be decoration the halls with rudolph guts and blood with the tree this year i guess?

you know this live action trailer really reminds me of the cheesy live action cutscenes in the command and conquer cutscenes in that game.

i have the game but i haven't played it in it's entirety though. but this is what it felt like playing for me!

my very first exposure to chalk eaters was the Bethesda vid, then I watched the valve vid that immediately sold me! been a huge fan since!

visuals alone were very eye pleasing. i know this was supposed be action based. but i felt this animations pacing went way to quickly. i wanted to know more about the characters.

what is going on?!? lol!

i'm mostly a hobbyist when it comes to drawing! i mostly play halo, but i love other genres like rts and rpg games as well. take a look at my content and have a good time! my pfp was made by https://clunkydot.newgrounds.com

Age 26

Joined on 12/2/21

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