
247 Movie Reviews

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this was beautiful remake with lots of love, care and dedication! looking at this reanimated collab was a nostalgic trip in the past. man the old edds world was so much better. heck i miss old tord. besides my gripes with modern edds world. i'm happy the dream is still strong and people are continuing the legacy that is edds world!

love this segment and reanimated project! it's cool!

oh boy! my 90's nostalgia is kicking me in the gut! i remember playing alloy arena as a kid but not knowing the name! now alloy is back! iv'e been itching for alloy to kick butt! mindchamber man! your a legend!

good god. that was intense.

oh man. i thought this was going to be normal. should have known better. i just realised this was a lumptouch vid. aka the guy who made the gorrofield master piece. but i'll give credit where it's due. even though sonic's feet was disturbing to look at. it was very well animated and each indivdual toe moved very smoothly. which is ironic on how it looks to.

looks beautifully done! what's the story?

D-slick responds:

All I can say now is... a lot. All will be revealed in a few months (maybe)

soul crushing.

short, cute, and gets to the point! i like that! that maiden's face was priceless!

rip to an old legend he was a part of my childhood. rest in peace old legend much like Stan lee. gone but not forgotten.

i'm mostly a hobbyist when it comes to drawing! i mostly play halo, but i love other genres like rts and rpg games as well. take a look at my content and have a good time! my pfp was made by https://clunkydot.newgrounds.com

Age 26

Joined on 12/2/21

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