i'm mostly a hobbyist when it comes to drawing! i mostly play halo, but i love other genres like rts and rpg games as well. take a look at my content and have a good time! my pfp was made by https://clunkydot.newgrounds.com

Age 26

Joined on 12/2/21

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gothicseawitch's News

Posted by gothicseawitch - January 1st, 2025

i haven't been making new posts simply for the fact because of irl and working. i didn't do anything in particular that would be posts worthy here. only thing i really did for exciment was go to halloween horor nights in orlando at universal studios. other than that this year was super boring. i really want to go back to the old days and start using this site more.

i only made a few artworks in 2024 and it's pretty bleak sadly.regardless i hope 2025 will be a much much better year and i hopefully use this site more often.


Posted by gothicseawitch - November 23rd, 2023

happy thanksgiving everyone! i just had a feast with my mom and little brother! it was so delicious eating honey glazed ham! i made the sauce my mom cooked the ham and litteraly everything else. wish my grandma was still alive to have feast with us but i'm happy for the one's still in my life.iu_1118941_10094158.webp



i pretty much nothing else to post except here's a cute drawing my good friend DemonSlayer made on twitter! https://twitter.com/Demon666Slayer/status/1727830928993468596


have a happy thanksgiving and enjoy the people you love in your life!



Posted by gothicseawitch - October 14th, 2023

man it's been a long time since i posted anything worthwhile on my newgrounds account! there's really not much to say besides me working a day job and that can get repetitive and boring!


on a more interesting news i drew my oc violet and gave a new look to get festive!

sadly i will not be able to actually celebrate the holiday since my mom does not like Halloween what so ever and is very religious. regardless of that i will still try to have fun on the day at home and hopefully buy a large bag of candy and relax! hope everyones day goes well and would love to be here more often and play more games!


Posted by gothicseawitch - July 9th, 2023

as far as news post have went. they've been pretty meager and almost non exist due to me being busy with real life. but I just wanted to share that will be going to el Salvador on July 13th! I will be taking 2 weeks off from work and i will be taking plenty of photos and share them here! now I'm going for a couple of reasons number one it's a nice vacation in a way. never been out of the united states in my life! the second is to go visit my grandma's tomb. beyond that my mom will introduce me to her extended family and friends I've never met in my life. i wish i had more interesting things to share but life's just been to boring for me to even rometly share anything intersting. well that and me visting an aquarium in orlando briefely.


Posted by gothicseawitch - June 21st, 2023

I've deleted my Twitter account. I have nothing more to add.


Posted by gothicseawitch - April 22nd, 2023

I haven't been on newgrounds in awhile. (mostly because of my current day job at goodwill and me not really finding anything interesting to me).

but! I decided to freshen up. update my newgrounds profile and modernize it a bit and have it more in line with my twitter profile slightly such as my oc's modern appearance and spruce up my profile a bit more!

my current profile pic now is based off of

@arthurf63761505 from twitter! he drew my sea witch oc with his own oc! here's the full pic!iu_954609_10094158.webp

isn't it cute?

now! i do have stories about about going to the Jacksonville zoo about a mouth ago but i got busy with life and work to tell about it and my pics still on my phone. but! I will mention that I did go see a dinosaur exabit! it was fun! but I'll save that story for another post though.

i usually have nothing to write home about were I work! but I have this story though! one day it was very hot and boring day (like usually) a dude with a pick up truck came with a load of stuff. unfortunately we had to reject a Bunch of his stuff due to how little room we have in the store, and the donations themselves were water damaged by the rain. nevertheless we accepted a handful of items. I was digging through I found a 3ds!

out of all the crap I receive and take this was gold to me! normally your not supposed to take stuff from customers. but i couldn't pass the offer and took him anyway!iu_954610_10094158.webp

it was nearly in pristine condition! it even had a free copy of Pokémon y! it didn't have a lot juice so I bought a charger on amazon and it worked perfectly! I know very little about it's origins except it used to belong to some kid named "kiing" and was a fan of Pokémon and even had a virtual console copy of Pokémon yellow. from there not much else to say.

i wish i had more interesting stories to share more often. but that's life i guess for me? anyhow! thanks for reading and sticking around! if you made it to the bottom tell me a joke about the ocean or sea related jokes!



Posted by gothicseawitch - March 12th, 2023

Today is my birthday! (As of the making of this post) I'm officially 25 years old now!

I haven't been able to be on newgrounds for quite awhile now since I've been busy working lately. Anyway! Few things have happened . I recently posted 4 artworks.

I recently purchased 2 commissions!


This one was created by the legendary artist @Reina_2003 on Twitter! She's most famous for making the fnf mod "meet nikusa" I commissioned her talent via stripe. Stripe is basically PayPal but a lot more secure and business oriented.


This is my lovely sonic oc coco roseyln! This was drawn by the artist Floral.mp3 on Instagram! I absolutely love what the artist interpreted!

I pretty much nothing else to share since not much excitement ever goes on with me. (Unless you actively follow me on Twitter of course)

If you made it all the way to the bottom wish me a happy birthday and do feel free to draw my sea witch oc for fun!



Posted by gothicseawitch - February 23rd, 2023

the title of the post is self-explanatory! I have officially posted 100 artworks! tell me what is your favorite artwork that i have posted?!? either this year or last year!


my personal favorite artworks is of course my own oc, master chief drawing, gf in spartan armor, and the skyverse valentine day special! what's yours?!?!



Posted by gothicseawitch - February 14th, 2023

happy valentines everyone! it's been quite since i made a news post! i don't really have anything wxciting to share. some old story of just working a day job. but! i recently took some time out of my day (also sleep from yesterday) and decided to draw a valentines special drawing! it's no secret that i love and i'm part of the skyverse community! so i did just that! a valentine special drawing for the skyverse community!


i spent three hours in total drawing this! i was originally going to put every sky i knew. but i scaled it back because that was to unrealistic and hurculean for me. then i decided to just draw four instead. i ended up adding ski and two oc's and gf for the final result! so to call it a day i just simple added a pretty pick background and some fancy text and called it a day! my personal favorite sky's are skychi and my friends sky in black (that ii redesigned myself) is skylyn!

i have nothing else to add from here other than me just keeping busy with work and playing games on the side as well as drawing whenever i get the chanse to!



Posted by gothicseawitch - February 5th, 2023

I finally beat mastermind world conqueror recently! It was a very fun and addictive game!

Does anyone have any cool games to play to recommend me? I'm always hunting down some cool classics!