i'm mostly a hobbyist when it comes to drawing! i mostly play halo, but i love other genres like rts and rpg games as well. take a look at my content and have a good time! my pfp was made by https://clunkydot.newgrounds.com

Age 26

Joined on 12/2/21

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gothicseawitch's News

Posted by gothicseawitch - February 5th, 2023


I have finally beat the game master mind world conqueror and destroyed the earth! The ending was both hilarious and depressing.


Posted by gothicseawitch - February 4th, 2023

been quite awhile since i last posted something here! with twitter becoming more and more uncertain what it will be in the future I'm glad to know i can be here happy and play some old school flash games! been playing master mind world conquer and few more games here!

iv'e been on a nostalgia trip lately and not been doing much expect posting two artworks recently!

good lord working at goodwill really has made me very busy. even though i'm not working full time, i'm just super tiered by the time i get home!

i got pretty much nothing else of interest.

but! i recently had a commision done by my favorite artist aria temptress! she drew my lovely sea witch oc and gave her a makeover!iu_887812_10094158.webp

i really love the new look! it's a very nice modern remake!



Posted by gothicseawitch - December 18th, 2022

as of the making of this post I got a job at goodwill and will start this Monday! so I won't be posting or making drawings for awhile. but at least I finally got internet at home.

while I don't want my new job to be the main focus of this post I will skim and brush it aside for some things I have done!

I went on a hot air balloon ride in Gainesville Florida and it's was fun! although my trip with my mom and brother was very short though. I took photo's and a couple of videos. but for privacy reasons I won't post them since my mom and brother don't want there faces shown on the internet. so here's a pic I took when the one of the balloons where being set up. yes that balloon is what we took. there were a bunch of crazy and funny looking ones like tweedy bird and that pussy cat from loony toons. iu_840390_10094158.webp

while we didn't stay there for long i made video of me riding a mechanical bull. I honestly regret it since I basically hurt my left shoulder and jacked my spine a little and still stings a little bit from time to time now. with that out of the way. I also got some art to share!

remember last October i was doing skyverseinktober? well the skyverse community is doing the same for Christmas! unfortunately I had to cancel my plans to do this activity. I've just been to busy to draw nowadays and it doesn't help I'll be working soon. but before all that happened here's a couple of works I did for the skyverse community!


this was day one of skymas! this is both o!sky and her sister fannon sky!


day 2, 3and 4! ski, skyblue and miko with a nice mug of coffe i added!


day 5 and 6! skychi! my personall favorite sky and tru sky! the ugy sweaters look so cute on them!


day 7,8, and 9! parrolsoul sky, faker sky and tankman sky! i decided to combine Christmas with a military tank to make it fun and interesting! unfortunately this is going to be my last drawing for skymas. i don't have time to draw all the rest of canonical sky's but it was fun and i at lest did skyverse inktober.

these aren't part of skymas but i will still include them anyway since these are still drawings of sky i did for fun! plus a goth mermaid oc someone did for me!iu_840395_10094158.jpg




i have one final thing to share! 3 months ago i hired the legendary dissmissor to help bring my beautiful gothic sea witch goddess to the video game friday night funkin as a playable chararter! it's finally here and i made a tweet about it! you can finally play as her now! please note that she only works on physed engine.





i pretty much have nothing else to share since I've had no internet for the longest with the exception of my phone data and being super busy lately. but i am happy to drop news posts and stuff like this was my personally twitter feed. except without much of the character limit and stupid algorithm suppressing creative liberty's!

i honestly don't know if people care about me here or don't care about what i have to say sometimes. but this is my account and i do want to share some of my personal feelings here from time to time and keep this account alive with something interesting and i absolutely hate shit posts and crappy low quality posting. but that's just me.

if you managed to read all the way down! thank you! i hope i'm not to incredibly boring to be around. i just don't want to post something that i don't find anything noteworthy or post something crappy and be a waste of everyone's time.



Posted by gothicseawitch - November 23rd, 2022

I wanted to make a separate post that was a little less depressing from the other one. If you read the last post I made my very first comic!

This year for Thanksgiving I'm staying home and not going to my grandparents house. But! There's still going to be a huge turkey and two big pies! I can not wait to eat this with my family and not do a whole after that.

So tell me! What are your plans for Thanksgiving? I can't wait to hear it and read it when I get back newgrounds!






Posted by gothicseawitch - November 23rd, 2022

Greetings everyone! I have created my very first comic ever! It is a six panel short comic! The main star is sky! This comic is a love letter to the skyverse community! I plan on making more comics! iu_817295_10094158.webp

In the past. I tried to make a comic but had no success. I was trying way to hard and it was to ambitious for it's own good.

I put the idea of making any comics on hold for a long time. Originally it was not skyverse related at all. But I will say that when I tried to make a comic then it didn't work out and I basically gave up.

I've been hearing three big names from the skyverse community leaving the fandom. It's been very quiet and Depressing lately to be a sky fan now. Dismissor, the mother team and now sky's current owner Alex/mick on Twitter has left.

Dismissor has deleted the Tru sky+skyverse mod, and has left the fandom after remanifested was done in development. The mother team has quickly done the same suit.

Alex/mick while has left the community as well. But interestingly has surrendered the rights to fannon sky. His interpretation of his character is not to be used and other sky owners such as skyblue is a bit of a grey area however. He explains in detail why he left and mentions a person called "kitsune skulls" for one of the reasons of leaving. I won't go into detail about kit. That's a whole different can of worms and best I saved that someone else to explain that than me. But I will say that kitsune is the reason why nu sky exists and skyverse was created. But his actions are also what permanently damaged the reputation of the fandom I like. Despite him never developed the actual skyverse mod or contributed anything of significance.


With all that out of the way. Despite all these contraversy that skyverse is in and what state it is now. I will continue to do art and contribute as much to the skyverse community as much as I can!

If the mid fight masses community has taught me. Despite the original mod being gone. The fans will remain. Weather it will be fan made continuations, new art being made, new fan music or any media. It remains alive!


Posted by gothicseawitch - November 15th, 2022

i haven't been active on newgrounds lately because of me busy with irl stuff and not having much internet acess. my mom returned from turkey and brought a lot of cool stuff!

to save you you time and for me to not waste time and reposting everything i posted this awhile ago on twitter! https://twitter.com/gothicseawitch/status/1588231392445472769

with all that out of the way.

i'm going to be less active on the internet mostly because i don't have acess in my house at all and doesn't help that my mom is now pushing me very heavily to find a job. on one hand money, the other hand less fun and drawing now. good god does life suck right now. i haven't had much reason to post since i don't got anything remotely intresting to share much nowadays. i'm just not that intresting of a persona anyway.

on a more positive side of news. iv'e hired the legendary dissmissor to help bring my beautiful oc as a playable character to friday night funkin! https://twitter.com/gothicseawitch/status/1590457209947049984


that's not all! i also hired my favorite artist aria temptess to remaster my oc and give her a makeover! i'll post the final image here and when dissmor finishes making my sprites i plan to share her publicly for all you to play!


got nothing much to say but iv'e been having fun and enjoying sonic frontiers!


i haven't left newgrounds. just been busy and to much irl stuff that prevents me from coming back, doesn't help i don't have wifi at home.


Posted by gothicseawitch - October 29th, 2022

For the whole month of October I've been drawing for skyverse inktober! Instead of posting them individually. I've decided to make them all into one big collage for both convince and to show you them to save you time. If you want to see them individually might make a separate post for that. iu_786191_10094158.webp

That was a lot of fun and a loved doing it for the whole month! Wanted to save it as a surprise for this post.

Not much interesting to share about me. But besides me drawing for the whole month. My mom went on a Christan missionary and visited Egypt, Jordan and turkey!iu_786192_10094158.webp


I bet she had a lot of fun and visited some cool historical landmarks to! Never been there and wish I could have been there with her. Oh well!

My life has been pretty slow and boring. Just working all the time and doing artwork on the side for fun.

If you managed to read all the way to the end. Thank you so much! I wish I could interact here more often. But there's very little I can do here on my phone except send this message with my crappy phone data.



Posted by gothicseawitch - October 7th, 2022

As the title says. There's absolutely no internet were I'm living now. So I'm using my phone and crappy data to send this message. My last post was in a rather depressing mood. I'd rather not dwell in the past and bring it up again. I want to share some more positive news. Since it's October. In my spare time I've been drawing again! I'm participating in the skyverse community! So basically it's #skyverseinktober I've made a few works (as of the making of this post) and here's some I've made during this time!






Now. I would have just posted the images instead of the links. But that would take forever on my slow and crappy data.

I wish I had more interesting stuff to share. But lately it's just been work and more irl work and very little time to have fun and draw nowadays. But I never abonded my hobbies or newgrounds or anything like that. Just a lot of setbacks. I'll spare the boring details though.

Just wanted to make a post and keep my page alive. Not everyone follows me on Twitter or cared about it but that's where I'm mostly active nowadays. If newgrounds had a mobile version. I'd probably be on it all time!

Thank you so much for the late response and thank you for taking the time to read my posts! They mean a lot to me! I may not be able to respond to you but I definitely do read them!



Posted by gothicseawitch - September 11th, 2022

I haven't been on newgrounds for awhile now. Been grieving my grandma's passing and took a break mentally. I feel a little bit better from taking a break and I will move on with my life. I can't stay sad forever and I have always things to do.

My grandma was buried in El Salvador. I don't know which part though. I will ask my mom though. She always said she wanted to be buried in the capital with her mom but unfortunately due to both timing, logistically and most importantly financial reasons. It couldn't have been met. That's what I know as far as I've been told.

Nobody's except my mom was able to go sadly. She was the only one able to go and comfort my grandpa there.

Neither did I, my little brother and sister had passports to go. It's complicated and that's basically another story.

I'm going to keep this brief as I can and not get to much off track.

My mother did send me pictures of her casket and she told me she Livestreamed it on Facebook live. Unfortunately I didn't know she was doing that. She never sent the link to me personally. I found that out because my sister told me after it was finished. Understandable I was mad. But she did at the very least did me send me a photo of her casket. But then again. She did say in El Salvador wifi connection is horrible there. So I will let that slide.


I wasn't able to go there. But. I'm going to say this. This will be the final time I bring this up and I I'm going to say this now! Rest in peace grandma! You were a very kind soul. You took care of me and fed me every time I visited your house. I will forever miss you!

I will get my passport one day and save the money and I will go to El Salvador at least once in one life.

With all that being said. I will never bring this up ever again. I just wanted to bring this up for my closer and vent a little bit.

Here's a fun fact. I may not be able to ever bring this up ever if I don't say it now. Just 3 days after my grandma died. I also found out that the queen of England died recently to! I was shocked. My life got more interesting after the next one. All in my bedroom and crappy phone data with no internet in one day!

This also fun fact happened in one day to around her death.


I don't got anything else to say. I just feel good coming back from being away from here for awhile now. It's great being back!

I just wanted to update my newgrounds page and update everyone since not everyone follows me on Twitter or devinart and me not having any other platforms being on than here.

If you had read all the way to the very bottom. God bless you for taking the time and I hope you have a wonderful day! Just please send me words of comfort!

Also I forgot to mention. My mom's back as of the making of this post. But she's a changed woman now and a shell of her former self now. Thought I mentioned that to. But I'm sure time will heal wounds to. As it did mine.

Once again thank you! It's good to be back!

Also the I'm finished moving all the stuff and moved to.

Ok ... Goodbye for now and until next newgrounds post then....



Posted by gothicseawitch - September 4th, 2022

Hello there everyone. I have some very sad news to share. On this day at 3:16 am in Eastern time zone. My grandma has passed away. I'm very sad about this sudden news. I don't know what to feel. I'm very sad and want to give the message around and I will be going private for awhile now for the sake of my mental health. I have never experienced anything like this and have never seen such sadness hit so close to me.

This is a photo of my grandma. This was tooken one day before going to El Salvador with my grandpa. I can't believe this is my last photo of her.iu_743138_10094158.webp

Please pray for me and my family.

I wish she could have seen the new apartment we've moved into and see my drawings.

Rest in peace grandma. You were very kind to me and fed me and took care of me.
