For the whole month of October I've been drawing for skyverse inktober! Instead of posting them individually. I've decided to make them all into one big collage for both convince and to show you them to save you time. If you want to see them individually might make a separate post for that.
That was a lot of fun and a loved doing it for the whole month! Wanted to save it as a surprise for this post.
Not much interesting to share about me. But besides me drawing for the whole month. My mom went on a Christan missionary and visited Egypt, Jordan and turkey!
I bet she had a lot of fun and visited some cool historical landmarks to! Never been there and wish I could have been there with her. Oh well!
My life has been pretty slow and boring. Just working all the time and doing artwork on the side for fun.
If you managed to read all the way to the end. Thank you so much! I wish I could interact here more often. But there's very little I can do here on my phone except send this message with my crappy phone data.
ok cool
Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun doing all these artworks!