
247 Movie Reviews

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this was very charming and weird. loved it regardless! but this short animation felt more of ad thpugh. but i'm still impressed what you where able to do in a short amount of time.

ThePrimatePunk responds:

Glad you enjoyed it! I make no attempt to hide that this is a straight up an ad for itself. I want this cartoon to get made with a reasonably low budget, and if anyone on this site wants that too, then I will show them the way lol

very strange but i enjoyed the ride!

i didn't understand anything

this was a beautiful recration of my childhood classic!

you know. the show itself is fine. the art and animation is well done and doesn't look jittery or bad. i do actually like the art style and simple plot and story passing.
but the reason why i gave this 3 and half stars is because i don't support nfts.
but credit i will give credit where it's due. some of the jokes actually did give me a laugh.
"That’s not a unicorn, that’s an ass horn!" ok. whoever was playing that character was pretty funny and a hilarious parody on that pulp fiction movie!
another joke i did laugh was the soda bit.
you know. i don't wanna judge people on how they make their money and fund projects to. but i'd personaaly stay away from the crypto and nft business.
if it weren't for that i'd rate this 4 stars.

i will always separate art from artist and business regardless.

Toonbox responds:

If the NFT helped us fund this series, there's nothing wrong with that. It's also how crowdfunding is one of the tools that allows art and entertainment to develop.

dude! watching lego batman kicking ass was dope! but the most disturbing thing about this was not the violence but what Christian bale said. i can't believe that's a real quote he said.

i was expecting a game. animation was cool but i can't help feel a little bit disappointed.

majestic steeds!

i was expecting this to be dark. pleasently surprised it was not the case!

seeing tts voices and weird and surreal animations like this bring me back to 2008!

RobertClock responds:

Don’t call it a comeback, we’ve been here for years

i'm mostly a hobbyist when it comes to drawing! i mostly play halo, but i love other genres like rts and rpg games as well. take a look at my content and have a good time! my pfp was made by https://clunkydot.newgrounds.com

Age 26

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