
241 Movie Reviews

19 w/ Responses

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i was happy for a bit until miyazaki showed up and decided to ruin everything.

it's been awhile since I've been on newgrounds mostly busy with work and irl boring stuff. but regardless of that this cartoon was a true gem! it has everything i want! nice character designs, well paced story, good voice acting, strong presentation and just really high quality stuff! i haven't been really interested because most of the animations this month were so boring to me personally and badger animation got front page and this didn't? well no matter! i was very entertained and would love a sequel!

weird/bad voice acting and direction aside. this was an ok parody. I enjoyed this more than the original one since it had more going on and had a bit of a story and more interactions. although the old one had better animation and bit more frames. But even then this one is still the better one. Just wish it was more hilarious and had more breathing room for jokes. Sadly I was mostly disappointed. Overall not the worst. Just the writing was pretty weak.

what kind of drugs where they on to come up with this planet of babes/steam punk/ rosie ol donald only for it to be some weird fetish about slugs?!?

this was both hilarious and weird to see.

ok. the animation was colorful, but I'm so honestly confused and weirded out not only by the feet question but i don't even want to know what sort of fantasies luigi mentioned.

this was a fun nostalgic trip of my childhood!

like the 2d and 3d styles combined in this animation. sadly it was to fast paced and didn't know what was really going on.

interesting animation style. but i have zero idea what was going on or what anything meant at all.

this was a very tonal whiplash.

i'm mostly a hobbyist when it comes to drawing! i mostly play halo, but i love other genres like rts and rpg games as well. take a look at my content and have a good time! my pfp was made by https://clunkydot.newgrounds.com

Age 26

Joined on 12/2/21

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