
241 Movie Reviews

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wow this was spectacular to witness! i will admit i'm not used to seeing cute girls in the madness combat world. that's probaly because there litteraly zero that i know of and this was quite a tone shift for me from what i'm used to! this was bloody fantastic and quite refreshing!

this story was enduring and heartwarming. though looks can be desiving since this artstyle really reminds me of meatcanyon and he's been know to draw similar to this artstyle but his stories are waaay draker and usually have no happy endings.

visually and artistically this was a treat! but i still can't help how weird this still was.

cute costumes for peach!

man this was nonstop action! there was so much guns and violence! madness combat is one hella awsome series! it makes me come back to newgrounds again and again!

i seriously didn't understand a damn thing and was just weirded out. i mean the animation and earth tone visualls were oddly soothing and natural? i don't know this wasn't my cup of tea.

man this is an awesome nostalgia blast for me! i used to watch rereleases of sat am sonic on DVD in my cousins house and read the Archie comics as a kid with little to no knowledge of sonic back then. i just loved this artistic takes on this episode and it really does have a lot of charm and it's just aa bonified masterpiece! miss the show and miss the comics to.

this was very cute and comforting, really soothingly peacful and just captured my heart and eyes. pixel animation is a nice artistic touch.

this was a fun and nostalgic look at the hennery stickman series! loved the animation and diffrent and fun art styles! very high quality and entertaining!

very cute and zany!

i'm mostly a hobbyist when it comes to drawing! i mostly play halo, but i love other genres like rts and rpg games as well. take a look at my content and have a good time! my pfp was made by https://clunkydot.newgrounds.com

Age 26

Joined on 12/2/21

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