
19 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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seeing tts voices and weird and surreal animations like this bring me back to 2008!

RobertClock responds:

Don’t call it a comeback, we’ve been here for years

i absolutly loved this short and beautiful animation! it was very eye pleasing and the ink colors looked beautiful! it looked like a comic book came to life!

pupup responds:

Thank you!!

i love the art and animation! but this was way to fast paced for me. i didn't get half of everything and went way to fast for me to really enjoy much.

mattyburrito responds:

thx for the feedback! I'll keep working on refining the timing - my goal's to make fsst-paced shorts that'll make you WANT to go back to catch all the little deets I try to hide in - but I need to get better at holding on certain shots so it doesn't go by too quickly

really nice! but way to short! i was waiting for guns and fireworks!

VoicesByCorey responds:

Can't wait for Part 2!

kcj567 responds:

It will come momentarily, the guns shall come.

looks beautifully done! what's the story?

D-slick responds:

All I can say now is... a lot. All will be revealed in a few months (maybe)

the animation was nice to look at. very eye pleasing! but i have literally no idea what happened i was very confused. everything happened to fast for me to process.

mattyburrito responds:

thanks for watching I do need to work on balancing setting and pacing

half these references I don't even get. but I don't think I need to. more questions leads to more headaches. but I just learned to stop asking and just let this weird story take me to whatever! you know what? I'm fine with it!

Thriftman responds:


you were really Ahed of your time! crazy to think like stuff like jet set radio and borderlands. have shaded animation and some movies like spider verse have that nowadays. looking at this today is very oddly nostalgic and very cool! you're a true legend!

MindChamber responds:

Thanks! that means a bunch!.. Even though I was just learning 3D, I was trying to convince the showrunners that cell shading was the future! lol. cel shading is part of all 3D programs but back then it was a plug-in and mostly only used for manuals and tech illustrations.!

i'm mostly a hobbyist when it comes to drawing! i mostly play halo, but i love other genres like rts and rpg games as well. take a look at my content and have a good time! my pfp was made by https://clunkydot.newgrounds.com

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